The moments that defined me

This is where it all BITSian life!

A trip of epic proportions A trip that brought out more stories in a single fortnight than the rest of my BITSian life put together. The credit goes to Maddy and MLM travels.

The "Kukka" posh b'days!!!

Few of the best B'day celebs happened in this hallowed wing.

The last trip with the wing as a WHOLE!

A generation awakens

The most amazing assoc grubs

The festivals

Diwali in 2nd year , Rakhi in 3rd year

The one thing that I truly LEARNED in BITS....CATIAv5R14

The BEST thing that ever happened in my BITSian life, my wingies!!!

My most favourite place in BITS

A thousand memories!!!

TORQUE- Bend your minds for a Moment

Times, when they were good!

Times, when they got better!

My BITSian life at its ZENITH!

One day I shall lead them all!

The best juniors a senior can ever hope for


The Pillars of my BITSian Life

The fruits of my four year labour


Sekharamantri Ratna Sandeep

BE (Hons) Mechanical

BE (Hons) Computer Science

Posted bySandeep Sekharamantri at 5:43 PM 4 comments  

गूगल हिंदी

मैंने देखा कि ये गूगल का नया अविष्कार है।

ये तो बढिया है।

ये नयी यन्त्र machine learning कि सहायता से काम कर्ता है।

मैंने इसे अभी अभी देखा है और सोचा क्यों ना इसे मैं आजमा के देखू ।

इस चीज़ ने थो मुझे बहोत खुश कर दिया है ।

गूगल हिंदी रोक्ज़!!!

Posted bySandeep Sekharamantri at 12:57 PM 0 comments  

When the end is near, why do I crave for the begining

Sandy's one line status message sums it up aptly. The end is approaching, and I hope to wake up from my dream in my first year and start all over again!

This what I see in the status messages everyday in my gtalk. Ofcourse, there is that occassional "Last one month in this God forsaken place" and a little more of blasphemy, but that is just an expresion of anguish at the system which is stubborn enough to test us even in the ultimate month of our union at BITS Pilani.

I have no idea why I felt like this today, but if I had a chance to go back and start from the begining, I would love to go back in time and do it exactly the same as I had done in the past four years.

Lots of meomries......I guess i shall organise them one day soon !

Posted bySandeep Sekharamantri at 6:41 PM 2 comments  

PhD blues

I am not even done with my undergraduation and the title seems very outlandish for my position.

BITSians are very popular for their laid back inquisitiveness, but there was this guest lecture by Dr.P.Anandan from Microsoft Research India that even the most fair-minded BITSian looked forward to.

The man talked about every computer science related subject that we could concieve of. He spoke of computer vision, geometry tranfer in networks, image processing, power savings, processor designs, languge processing and even technology for the meagre.

His main aim though was to encourage more BITSians to pursue a PhD. He motivated us to do a lot of things in ways that normal BISians would not even think of. A truly talented induvidual, he did get me thinking on what to do with my future.

I definetly see some PhD blues!

Posted bySandeep Sekharamantri at 5:03 PM 1 comments  

Permission Denied

Four years of BITSian life has made a man out of me. I do not get desolate when my favourite team loses a match. I do not get hysterical with emotions when I do something out of the ordinary. Hell, I do not feel even a dimunitive smidgen of remorse when I do not complete my assignment.

There was a time, a bygone era which few highbrows love to call their "wonder years", whenI used to shudder and even holler in dread at the very thought of missing a deadline for my homework. But now I am a man. I do not despair when I do not complete my work. I brazenly reproduce the work of my comrades, notwithstanding some skillful morphing.

Today, as usual, I was least bothered about submitting my PLCC assignmnet II until my groupie turned up, as always in a chop-chop fashion. So I sat down and morphed the code of a prodigy who still lives in his "wonder years". After four excruciating hours of strenous labour I pressed the "enter" key to submit my assignment. The screen immediately flashd a message :

Permission Denied

Four hours of precious time wasted, hope shattered, morale hit rockbottom.

This I take as a message from the almighty himself. I am a man and to show the right path to a faithful soldier of humanity like me The Lord himself has transmuted into the prithvi server.
I take the word of lord as my command.

Thou shalt not submit thy assignments

Posted bySandeep Sekharamantri at 10:17 PM 1 comments