My first instruction!!

Getting settled in your cube or office
If there is no chair, borrow one from a conference room. Then contact the Workplace Resources people; they will get you a less fancy but more adjustable one. It may take them several days though. If your conference room chair disappears in the meantime, just go borrow another one. You have the right to sit down.
If you don't have a computer yet, twiddle your thumbs a few times, then go to lunch. In NB, there is the food court, but it's kind of doubtful, although the restaurants on the upper floors are ok. Better yet, wherever you are, just ask your co-workers to suggest a place to eat. Or look for write-ups of local eateries on the web. If all else fails, get in your car and drive around aimlessly.
If there is no name tag on your cubicle, just wait. One will show up in a week or two. If you just can't wait, ask your manager to ping the process.

I guess working in a new company has its advantages!

Posted bySandeep Sekharamantri at 4:44 PM  


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