Back on Blogger

The only reason why I am back on blogger is because every other blogging site disallows javascript. And I sooooo wanted to have my google reader stuff on this right sidebar that I switched back from wordpress to blogger.

Hail the googlers who make blogger a better place to write in.

Talking of user friendly space, I have a major issue with the gang@twitter. I always dump in whatever I feel in twitter hoping someone will read it and send something back to me. But last night twitter had its own tweet "We are temporarily disabled". The same happened even last week. If these guys do not have the right skills to get their act straight soon, I , and other frustrated users like me ( I am sure there are millions of them), will shift to something else. Facebook's own status message isn't a bad idea (Though it carries the weight of a bloated social network).

Office has been pretty much crappy this week since the research paper went out. Last week was like the most hectic week of PS (put in 20hours of work, OMG). Its like the whole PS2 work was done in those 6 days (yes, dropped in even on a saturday, and again OMG). At least now I spend more time on Google reader and trying to figure out which of those blogospheres is best for a newbie like me.

Tonight is a special night. The aunty of all football matches, the Champions league finals, takes place. Of course the mother of them all is the World Cup finale. Let the whole world cheer for manU, I dont care. I love the chelskis and their blue! I don't mind even if they lose (Which has a pretty high probability). I still get to shout *&@#$^@#&*$^*(@ at the united players. Yes, the chelsea fans have been rated as the worst supporters.

I also have my new cam with me now. A scintillating peice of technical marvel. The Canon Powershot S5 IS. So expect more of my flickr updates and subscribe to the feeds if you love them. Flickr page will be updated starting this monday.

Will try and do some live blogging from 2nite's match (just for the heck of it)

Posted bySandeep Sekharamantri at 5:47 PM  


Hari Kishore said... May 23, 2008 at 2:36 PM  

I've got an Canon S3IS...its a real good one.

Will watch out for your flickr updates dude!!

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