
Wikipedia says that Putrajaya is the federal capital of Malaysia, the hub of all administration activity, the center of politics in thiHoping to bump into some famous and powerful malaysians, me rashi and rohit took the long drive out of KL one weekend. The prime motivation was to witness the Malaysian International Fireworks Competitoin (MIFC08)!

The buildings were huge and mighty at Putrajaya, and they are all mostly government offices. They look new, design was nice, roads were spacious, lamppost and traffic lights had new designs too. Cool! I shall not however mention how much each lamppost cost….as to what i heard about it.

But once you get over the awe of looking at eye-popping designs of bridges (there are 9 bridges built over an artifical lake thats 600acres) and start looking around you feel a sense of eeriness. The federal capital has no population on a weekend!!!.

Yes, for a town that was designed to hold 5million people, only 50000 stay there.

Posted bySandeep Sekharamantri at 6:17 PM  


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